About Us
We understand how infuriating buying insurance is, so we started GetAssured with one goal - to transform the way you buy your insurance from complex into clear-cut instantly.
No complicated insurance terms. No hidden costs. No stress. Just state-of-the-art digital tools for you to find the best possible plan quickly and easily.
GetAssured uses a series of questions to analyse what you need and introduce you to plans from established insurance companies. We then compare these insurance plans for you to handpick the most suitable one. When you’re ready to buy your insurance, we link you up with our partners directly.
On top of that, support is just a chat away. Our algorithms carefully grades the recommendations, making them genuine and reliable. It’s easy to locate the insurance plans that interest you - based on your agenda and no one else.
GetAssured is a stress-free insurance comparison platform. Never visit forums with multiple tabs on or Google “What does deductible means?” ever again.
It’s time to turn the tables on the way you buy your insurance.